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Early New England Meditative Poetry

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Selected Bibliography on Edward Taylor

Adams, Percy G. "Edward Taylor's Love Affair with Sounding Language. Essays and Poems in Honor of Donald E. Stanford." Order in Variety. Ed. R. W. Crump. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1991. 12-31.

Allen, Judson B. "Edward Taylor's Catholic Wasp: Exegetical Convention in 'Upon a Spider Catching a Fly'." English Language Notes 7 (1970): 257-60.

Bensick, Carol M. "Preaching to the Choir: Some Achievements and Shortcomings of Taylor's God's Determinations." Early American Literature 28.2 (1993): 133-47.

Bercovitch, Sacvan, Jesper Rosenmeier, and Ursula Brumm. Typology and Early American Literature. Amherst: U. of Mass. P, 1972.

Brumm, Ursula. "'Tuning' the Song of Praise: Observations on the Use of Numbers in Edward Taylor's Preparatory Meditations." Early American Literature 17.2 (1982): 103-118.

Brumm, Ursula. "Meditative Poetry in New England." Puritan Poets and Poetics: Seventeenth-Century American Poetry in Theory and Practice. Ed. Peter White, and Harrison T. Mesersole. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1985. 318-336.

Carlisle, E. F. "The Puritan Structure of Edward Taylor's Poetry." American Quarterly 20 (1968): 147-163.

Clark, Michael. "The Honeyed Knot of Puritan Aesthetics." Puritan Poets and Poetics: Seventeenth-Century American Poetry in Theory and Practice. Ed. Peter White, and Harrison T. Mesersole, 1985. 67-83.

Clark, Michael. "The Subject of the Text in Early American Literature." Early American Literature 20.2 (1985): 120-130.

Clendenning, John. "Piety and Imagery in Edward Taylor's 'The Reflexion'." (1964): 203-210.

Colacurcio, Michael J. "Gods Determinations Touching Half-Way Membership: Occasion and Audience in Edward Taylor." American Literature 39 (1967): 298-314.

Damico, Anthony. "The Conceit of Dyeing in Edward Taylor's Preparatory Meditations, Second Series, Number One." Early American Literature 17.3 (1982): 227-238.

Davis, Thomas M., and Virginia L. Davis. Edward Taylor vs. Solomon Stoddard: The Nature of the Lord's Supper. Boston: Twayne, 1981.

Davis, Thomas M., and Virginia L. Davis. Edward Taylor's Minor Poetry. Boston: Twayne, 1981.

Davis, Thomas M. "Editing Edward Taylor." Studies in Puritan American Spirituality 1 (1990): 19-27.

Davis, Thomas M. A Reading of Edward Taylor. Newark: U of Delaware P, 1992.

Del Fattore, Joan. "John Webster's Metallographie: A Source for Alchemical Imagery in the Preparatory Meditations." Early American Literature 18.3 (1983): 233-241.

Eberwein, Jane Donahue. Early American Poetry: Selections from Bradstreet, Taylor, Dwight, Freneau, and Bryant. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1978.

Eberwein, Jane Donahue. "'Art, Natures Ape': The Challenge to the Puritan Poet." Poetics in the Poem: Critical Essays on American Self-Reflexive Poetry. Ed. Dorothy Z. (ed. & introd.) Baker. American University Studies IV (EL&L). Series No: 184. New York: Peter Lang, 1997. 24-45.

Fithian, Rosemary. "'Words of My Mouth, Meditations of My Heart': Edward Taylor's Preparatory Meditations and the Book of Psalms." Early American Literature 20.2 (1985): 89-119.

Friend, Christy. "'My Case Is Bad. Lord, Be My Advocate': The Use of Classical Rhetoric in Edward Taylor's Meditation 1.39." Studies in Puritan American Spirituality 4 (1993): 105-24.

Gatta, John, Jr. "Little Lower than God: The Super-Angelic Anthropology of Edward Taylor." Harvard Theological Review 75.3 (1982): 361-368.

Gatta, John. Gracious Laughter: The Meditative Wit of Edward Taylor. Columbia, MO: U of Missouri P, 1989.

Gefvert, Constance J. Edward Taylor: An Annotated Bibliography, 1668-1970. Kent, Ohio: Kent State U.P, 1971.

Gelpi, Albert. The Tenth Muse: The Psyche of the American Poet. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1975.

Grabo, Norman S. "Edward Taylor's Spiritual Huswifery." PMLA 79 (1964): 554-560.

Grabo, Norman S. "God's Determinations: Touching Taylor's Critics." Seventeenth-Century News 28 (1970): 22-24.

Grabo, Norman S. "Colonial American Theology: Holiness and the Lyric Impulse." Essays in Honor of Russel B. Nye. Ed. Joseph J.; Mead Waldmeir, C. David. East Lansing: Michigan State U P, 1978. 74-91.

Grabo, Norman S. Edward Taylor. Twayne's United States Authors Series ; TUSAS 8. Rev. ed. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1988.

Guruswamy, Rosemary Fithian. "A Review Essay of Gracious Laughter: The Meditative Wit of Edward Taylor by John Gatta." Studies in Puritan American Spirituality 1 (1990): 88-96.

Haims, Lynn M. "Puritan Iconography: The Art of Edward Taylor's Gods Determinations."

Puritan Poets and Poetics: Seventeenth-Century American Poetry in Theory and Practice. Ed. Peter White, and Harrison T. Mesersole, 1985. 84-98.

Hammond, Jeffrey A. "Reading Taylor Exegetically: The Preparatory Meditations and the Commentary Tradition." Texas Studies in Literature and Language 24.4 (1982): 347-371.

Hammond, Jeffrey A. "A Puritan Ars Moriendi: Edward Taylor's Late Meditations on the Song of Songs." Early American Literature 17.3 (1982): 191-214.

Hammond, Jeffrey A. "The Bride in Redemptive Time: John Cotton and the Canticles Controversy." The New England Quarterly: A Historical Review of New England Life and Letters 56.1 (1983): 78-102.

Hammond, Jeffrey A. "Approaching the Garden: Edward Taylor's Progress toward the Song of Songs." Studies in Puritan American Spirituality 1 (1990): 65-87.

Hammond, Jeffrey A. "Who is Edward Taylor?: Voice and Reader in the Preparatory Meditations." American Poetry 7.3 (1990): 2-19.

Hammond, Jeffrey A. "The Puritan Elegiac Ritual: From Sinful Silence to Apostolic Voice." Studies in Puritan American Spirituality 2 (1991): 77-106.

Hammond, Jeffrey. Sinful Self, Saintly Self : The Puritan Experience of Poetry. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1993.

Hammond, Jeffrey A. Edward Taylor: Fifty Years of Scholarship and Criticism. Columbia, SC: Camden House, 1993.

Hughes, Walter. "'Meat Out of the Eater': Panic and Desire in American Puritan Poetry." Engendering Men: The Question of Male Feminist Criticism. Eds. Joseph A. Boone and Michael Cadden. New York: Routledge, 1990. 102-121.

Johnson, Parker H. "Poetry and Praise in Edward Taylor's Preparatory Meditations." (1980): 84-96.

Keller, Karl. "'The World Slickt Up In Types': Edward Taylor As a Version of Emerson." Early American Literature 5 (1970): 124-40.

Keller, Karl. The Example of Edward Taylor. Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 1975.

Keller, Karl. "Edward Taylor, the Acting Poet." Puritan Poets and Poetics: Seventeenth-Century American Poetry in Theory and Practice. Ed. Peter White, and Harrison T. Mesersole. University Park: Pennsylvania State U P, 1985. 185-197.
Lewalski, Barbara Kiefer. Protestant Poetics and the Seventeenth-Century Religious Lyric. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1979.

MacGregor, Alan Leander. "Edward Taylor and the Impertinent Metaphor." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 60.3 (1988): 337-358.

Mignon, Charles W. "Edward Taylor's Preparatory Meditations: A Decorum of Imperfections." PMLA 83 (1968): 1423-1428.

Mignon, Charles W. "Taylor's Upon the Types: The Making of the Nebraska Edition." Studies in Puritan American Spirituality 1 (1990): 28-33.

Miller, David G. The Word Made Flesh Made Word : The Failure and Redemption of Metaphor in Edward Taylor's Christographia. Selinsgrove, Pa.: Susquehanna University Press, 1995.

Munk, Linda. "Edward Taylor: Typology and Puritanism." History of European Ideas 17.1 (1993): 85-93.

Munk, Linda. The Devil's Mousetrap: Redemption and Colonial American Literature. Oxford, England: Oxford UP, 1997.

Murphy, Francis. "Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor." The Columbia History of American Poetry. Eds. Jay Parini and Brett C. Millier. New York: Columbia UP, 1993. 1-15.

New, Elisa. "'Both Great and Small': Adult Proportion and Divine Scale in Edward Taylor's 'Preface' and The New-England Primer." Early American Literature 28.2 (1993): 120-32.

Parker, David L. "Edward Taylor's Preparationism: A New Perspective on the Taylor-Stoddard Controversy." (1976): 259-78.

Patterson, J. Daniel. "Taylor's 'Preparatory Meditation' 2.1." Explicator 43.1 (1984): 22-23.

Patterson, J. Daniel. "A Reconsideration of Edward Taylor's 'The Preface,' Lines 9-12." Early American Literature 20.1 (1985): 64-66.

Patterson, J. Daniel. "Gods Determinations: The Occasion, the Audience, and Taylor's Hope for New England." Early American Literature 22.1 (1987): 63-81.

Patterson, J. Daniel. "Edward Taylor's 'Christs reply,' Stanza Eight." ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 2.4 (1989): 132-133.

Patterson, J. Daniel. "The Last Unpublished Preparatory Meditation from Edward Taylor's 'Political Works' Manuscripts." Early American Literature 29.3 (1994): 273-75.

Rainwater, Catherine. "Edward Taylor's Reluctant Revolution: The New Astronomy in the Preparatory Meditations." (1984): 4-17.

Rainwater, Catherine. "'This Brazen Serpent Is a Doctor's Shop': Edward Taylor's Medical Vision." Studies in Puritan American Spirituality 2 (1991): 51-75.

Reiter, Robert. "Poetry and Typology: Edward Taylor's Preparatory Mediations, Second Series, Numbers 1-30." Early American Literature 5 (1970): 111-23.

Rowe, Karen E. "A Biblical Illumination of Taylorian Art." American Literature 40 (1968): 370-374.

Rowe, Karen E. "Sacred or Profane? Edward Taylor's Meditations on Canticles." Modern Philology 72 (1974): 123-38.

Rowe, Karen E. "Prophetic Visions: Typology and Colonial American Poetry." Puritan Poets and Poetics: Seventeenth-Century American Poetry in Theory and Practice. Ed. Peter White, and Harrison T. Mesersole. University Park: Pennsylvania State U P, 1985. 47-66.

Rowe, Karen E. Saint And Singer : Edward Taylor's Typology And The Poetics Of Meditation. Cambridge studies in American literature and culture. Cambridge Cambridgeshire ; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986.

Russell, Gene, and Karl Keller. A Concordance to the Poems of Edward Taylor.. With Pref. Wash., D.C.: Microcard eds, 1973.

Salska, Agnieszka. "Puritan Poetry: Its Public and Private Strain." Early American Literature 19.2 (1984): 107-121.

Sargent, Ritamarie. "Poetry and the Puritan Faith: The Elegies of Ann Bradstreet and Edward Taylor.". Salzburg Studies in English Literature: Poetic Drama & Poetic Theory (PD), Salzburg, Austria. Series No: 27: 6, 1984. I 149-160.

Scheick, William J. The Will and the Word: The Poetry of Edward Taylor. Athens: U. of Ga. P, 1974.

Scheick, William J. "Typology and Allegory: A Comparative Study of George Herbert and Edward Taylor." Essays in Literature 2 (1975): 76-86.

Scheick, William J. "'The Inward Tacles and the Outward Traces': Edward Taylor's Elusive Transitions." Early American Literature 12 (1977): 163-76.

Scheick, William J. "The Jawbones Schema of Edward Taylor's Gods Determinations.". Illinois Studies in Language and Literature, Champaign, IL. Series No: 65, 1979. 38-54.

Scheick, William J. "Edward Taylor's Herbalism in Preparatory Meditations." (1983): 64-71.

Scheick, William J. "Edward Taylor's Optics." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 55.2 (1983): 234-240.

Scheick, William J. "Unfolding the Serpent in Taylor's 'Meditation 1.19'." Studies in Puritan American Spirituality 1 (1990): 34-64.

Schuldiner, Michael. "Edward Taylor's 'Problematic' Imagery." Early American Literature 13 (1978): 92-101.

Schuldiner, Michael. "The Christian Hero and the Classical Journey in Edward Taylor's 'Preparatory Meditations. First Series'." Huntington Library Quarterly: A Journal for the History and Interpretation of English and American Civilization 49.2 (1986): 113-132.

Schuldiner, Michael. "The Conservative Puritanism of Edward Taylor." Huntington Library Quarterly: A Journal for the History and Interpretation of English and American Civilization 52.2 (1989): 295-303.

Schuldiner, Michael. Gifts and Works: The Post-Conversion Paradigm and Spiritual Controversy in Seventeenth-Century Massachusetts. Macon, GA: Mercer UP, 1991.

Schweitzer, Ivy. "Semiotics of the Sacrament in Edward Taylor's Preparatory Meditations." Praise Disjoined: Changing Patterns of Salvation in 17th-Century English Literature. Ed. William P. Shaw. Seventeenth-Century Texts and Studies. Series No: 2. New York: Peter Lang, 1991. 237-57.

Sebouhian, George. "Conversion Morphology and the Structure of Gods Determinations." Early American Literature 16.3 (1981): 226-240.

Shawcross, John T. "Some Colonial American Poetry and George Herbert." Early American
Literature 23.1 (1988): 28-51.
Shields, John C. "Jerome in Colonial New England: Edward Taylor's Attitude toward Classical Paganism." Studies in Philology 81.2 (1984): 161-184.

Simmons, Jes. "Taylor's 'Upon Wedlock, and Death of Children'." Explicator 42.1 (1983): 17-18.

Stanford, Donald E. "Edward Taylor's 'Spiritual Relations'." American Literature 35 (1964): 467-475.

Stanford, Donald E. "Edward Taylor." Major Writers of Early American Literature. Ed. Everett Emerson. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1972. 59-91.

Stanford, Donald E. "The Imagination of Death in the Poetry of Philip Pain, Edward Taylor, and George Herbert." Studies in the Literary Imagination 9.2 (1976): 53-67.

Stanford, Donald E. The Poems of Edward Taylor. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1989.

Stanford, Donald E. "The Poems of Edward Taylor: The Making of the Yale Edition." Studies in Puritan American Spirituality 1 (1990): 3-12.

Steiner, Prudence L. "A Garden of Spices in New England: John Cotton's and Edward Taylor's Use of the Song of Songs." Allegory, Myth, and Symbol. Ed. Morton W. Bloomfield. Harvard English Studies (HES), Cambridge, MA. Series No: 9. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1981. 227-243.

Taylor, Edward, Thomas Marion Davis, and Virginia L. Davis. Edward Taylor's "Church records," and related sermons. Twayne's American literary manuscripts series. Ed. Edward Taylor. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1981.

Taylor, Edward, et al. Edward Taylor vs. Solomon Stoddard : the nature of the Lord's Supper. Twayne's American literary manuscripts series. Ed. Edward Taylor. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1981.

Taylor, Edward, et al. The Tayloring Shop : Essays On The Poetry Of Edward Taylor In Honor Of Thomas M. And Virginia L. Davis. Newark, Del: University of Delaware Press, 1997.

White, Peter. "An Analysis of Edward Taylor's Preparatory Meditation 2.1."

Concerning Poetry

11.2 (1978): 19-23

Comments to D. Campbell.

Early New England Meditative Poetry
