Long exposure to loud noises, such as attending a concert with no ear protection, tin can damage the delicate structures within the ear. This can cause a ringing in the ears, known as tinnitus.

Tinnitus tin be bothersome, as the sound tin make hearing difficult and interrupt daily life. Tinnitus after a concert is usually temporary and should subside inside a few days.

However, damage to the structures in the ear may exist permanent, so it is important to have steps to prevent further hearing loss.

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Attending loud concerts without any ear protection may result in ringing in the ears.

Loud noises can damage tiny hair cells in the inner ear. These hair cells vibrate in response to noise and send a message to the encephalon. Once destroyed, the cells do non grow dorsum.

Scientists think that damage to these cells causes the encephalon to misinterpret the point it receives, and then it makes up a sound instead. This is what causes a person to hear ringing in their ears after a concert, fifty-fifty when the room is silent.

Some alive music can be extremely loud. Any exposure to sounds at or above 85 decibels (dB) can cause racket-induced hearing loss.

For reference, the volume of a typical conversation is about sixty dB. The level of noise from heavy urban center traffic is around 85 dB. Concerts are normally well over this 85 dB level.

While the average concert-goer may experience symptoms that only last a couple of hours, anyone listening to alive music regularly may start to feel tinnitus for more extended periods of time if they do not take steps to treat or forbid the harm.

There is a variety of ways to help ease ringing in the ears, including:

1. Reduce exposure to loud sounds

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Listening to soft music through over-ear headphones may help distract from the ears ringing.

While the ears can frequently recover from damage, it is still important to reduce exposure to loud sounds when experiencing tinnitus.

This may mean talking quietly, avoiding loud confined or events, and avoiding in-ear headphones. Watching television or listening to the radio at lower volumes than usual may also assistance the ears recover.

ii. Distraction

Sometimes, a person only notices ringing in the ears when in that location are no other sounds to compete with it. In these cases, it may help to distract the ears from the ringing by listening to soft music or an engaging podcast.

Meditation and yoga may also help take the focus off of the ringing. These techniques may also help reduce stress, which is sometimes a contributing gene to tinnitus.

three. White noise

If the ringing causes trouble sleeping, information technology may help to apply some gentle white noise to distract the brain from focusing on the sound.

Some people notice the hum of a room fan is enough to allow them to sleep. Others prefer the sounds of sea waves or the static from a television set to assist them sleep.

iv. Head borer

Some other method to aid reduce or eliminate ringing in the ears later a concert is a type of caput tapping.

Head tapping involves a few simple steps:

  • Place the palms over the ears, resting the fingers at the base of operations of the skull in the back of the head.
  • Keeping the ears covered with the palms, raise the index fingers up and tap the back of the head. This should produce a sound inside the head that is similar to the tap of a pulsate.
  • Gently tap the head around 50 times.
  • Repeat the process a few times each day every bit needed for relief.

five. Reducing alcohol and caffeine

People with ringing in their ears after a concert are often told to stop drinking alcohol and caffeine. While at that place is petty scientific testify to dorsum upward this claim, some people may find that reducing the amount of caffeine or alcohol they drinkable could aid reduce their symptoms.

If the ringing in the ears does not go away later a day or so, it may be fourth dimension to encounter a doctor. Information technology is possible that something other than the concert is causing the tinnitus.

Numerous things could influence ringing in the ears, and doctors will want to bank check the virtually probable culprits. During the engagement, a md will likely do a concrete exam of the ear canal.

In some cases, excess earwax or a foreign object can get stuck inside the ear and crusade tinnitus. Doctors may also check for signs of an ear infection, ask about the person's stress levels, and ask about any medications they take.

Tinnitus influenced by any of these factors should articulate up one time the underlying status is treated.

In cases of chronic tinnitus, doctors can recommend hearing devices or medications to assistance ease some of the symptoms.

Hearing ringing in the ears afterwards a concert is a sign of hearing impairment, which may be permanent. Taking preventative measures is crucial to avert noise-induced hearing loss.


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Wearing earplugs at concerts can help prevent noise-induced hearing loss.

Foam earplugs are bachelor at many pharmacies or grocery stores, and many music venues even provide them to guests.

There are even companies that brand custom earplugs to help reduce the loudness of the sound of a concert without affecting the quality of the sound.

In an emergency, clean paper napkins that are balled up and gently positioned in the outer ear may assistance muffle the loud sounds of a concert.


When buying tickets for a concert, it may help to pay attention to where the speakers will be located in the venue. Booking seats further away from the speakers may help reduce the amount of sound reaching the ear.

Taking breaks

Continuous loud dissonance merely puts the ear at more chance for tinnitus. Taking regular breaks at a concert to go outside for fresh air or visit the bath may help requite the ears a interruption.

People experiencing ringing in their ears later a concert exercise not need to panic, as the symptoms will likely start to fade within a few hours.

Home remedies tin often assist speed up the process, and a trip to the doctor may uncover any underlying cause in cases of persistent tinnitus.

While experiencing temporary tinnitus later on exposure to loud music is non an immediate cause for business concern, the damage done to a person's hearing may add up over time.

Many of the causes of tinnitus are preventable, such as visiting concerts or playing music besides loud in headphones, so it is important to take steps to prevent noise-induced hearing loss.